Go from absoluate begginer to master with our courses

Real World Projects
All my courses are structured around real-world projects, so that you get the real coding experience that you need.
Learn & Understand
Don't just copy the code from the course — you will truly understand how each technology actually works!
Personal Support
Got stuck and can't move on in the course? Don't worry, I got your back! I offer full personal support in my courses.
Great For Begginer
My courses are perfect for absolute beginners. There is no prior coding experience needed to get started!

Become Job-Ready in just few days

With real world project throughout the courses, you will learn just not the technical aspect, but the business analysis and project planning from start to end.

Meet the mentor

Rajan Verma

Hi, I am Rajan
I have been a successfull Excel VBA Developer for a decade and have done couple hundred large small projects, I have also been a mentor for so many people who wanted to grow in their career. I think that MS Excel is something that everybody should learn.

Learning Excel Programming was not easy when i started, i wish i had someone who could mentor me, i had to go through so many books and long tutorials. I want to spare you the pain of going through countless books and articles, so I packed everything I learned about MS Office VBA Development right into my courses.

I guarantee 100% to offer the best value in all my courses, so you can achieve your goals! If you still don't find value in them for any reason, you will get a full refund within 30 days. Plus, I will be available to answer all the questions you might have along your coding journey. So, let's start learning today!
You can reach me personaly @ rajanverma1987@gmail.com
Excel Logo

Learning Excel is Important, Why?

If you are new to excel, here are some key point to understand why you should learn MS Excel


Microsoft Excel has been arond for 30 years and yet there are barely anything which can compete with it, 60%-70% of companies around the word rely only on excel to manage, analyse and present their data. 1 out 10 people on the planet use MS Excel today.


It doesnt matter if you are student or a top notch ISRO scientist, You need Excel. Wider range of Excel formulas will make your life easier at workplace. Experties in excel formulas can really help you acheive job in your desired field. Excel is very usable tool in Accounting, Engineering, Science, Data Science, Maths and so many other fields.

Easy Learning and Higher Employability

You can go ground zero leval to an average excel user in just few days of working on excel. And if you learn is rigth it takes you no time to become master. Excel is the first tool to learn in a way to become a succefull data scientist. Excel gives you a logical thinking to become even more profiecient in what you do

Did you read the Facts above, Thats right, 60% of the companies totally depend for their data management on MS Excel. Other companies use Excel with other tools. but no company is untouched with Excel. Excel knowledge give you a higher chance to get a job quicker than any other technology.

And it is Real Fun

Trust me, Excel is Love, when you work on Excel and solve a problem, it makes you feel proud in what you do.

Data storing, data analysis, data cleaning, data presentation are child play in excel. It allows you to have full control of you data and presentation at any level. Excel is continue to upgrade, it is getting more and more powerfull features everyday.

VBA Logo

Learning Excel VBA is even more Important, Why?

Learning Excel is great to improve your productivity but, VBA can really boost it tremendously because VBA allow you to to automate repeatative task. For example, You have large data and you want to split out the file by location, instead of doing filter and copy paste into other location, you can write a VBA program that will do it for you on a click of a button.

Here are some key advantages of VBA

Easy Learning and Higher Productivity

VBA is designed for excel user who are not generally programmer, it is easier to learn for people who dont know ABC of computer science. Macro recorder helps you understand how VBA work behind the scene. Once you get command over VBA syntax, it is matter of some practice to become a Excel Power User.

VBA help you to automate boring work and save lot of time which you can use in some value work.

MS Office Automation

VBA don't just work in Excel, but it is integrated with other office apps like MS Word, MS Access, MS Outlook and Powerpoint, Which mean you can integrate all of these products together by using VBA.

FrontEnd Backend Functionality

VBA is scripting/programming language which allow you to connect Excel with any databases, e.g SQL Server, MS Access Database which you can use as a backend and interchange data from Excel.

Excel and VBA are easier to learn yet powerfull enough to make any type of automation you can possibly think of.

Enroll today to become Excel VBA Champion

Take your first step today to become a succesfull VBA Developer, Lets do some real world projects together.